Are Mqhele and Hlomu’s dating in real life ?

Is this how couple actors behave like or is there an extra element to this relationship?. A recent video shared by the famous two South African actors of the romance novel “Hlomu The Wife” raises eyebrows after they appeared very cosy even in real life, resembling the book.

This video was shared by a surprised fan that was wondering if this is how people who are a couple on set behave even in real life. This fan also mentioned that she would not survive being a partner of an actor if this is the kind of chemistry even behind the scenes.




Not only were they physically cosy, but the conversation was also interesting. Seemingly, the lady was on a live video wherby someone requested Bonko Khoza, better known as “Mqhele” to say their name. After he did, “Hlomu” mentioned how she did not like how “Mqhele” even mentioned the clan names of this individual.