Another celebrity cheating scandal see here.

Waking up to the news that the man you and consider your life partner is actually cheating on you thats the worst feeling ever, when will Jessica ever find peace.

Jessica Nkosi took it to social media that Ntokozo Tk Dlamini known for his character name mastermind is cheating on her, and its not the first time he has done it.

“Source says” apparently Jessica received hardcore that evidence that Tk is cheating on her, and then she decided to leak the evidence of videos and pictures on social media but they where removed.

Jessica got tired of his Tk’s cheating habits she decided to expose him. Doing this does it mean Jessica has decided to him or he was him to change time will tell?

Jessica and Dlamini they have a beautiful babygirl together and it is said that all this time they have been together he hasn’t been faithful to her.

Yes they have a baby together but is love enough if someone does respect. Would someone want to break something so beautiful by being unfaithful?

Lets talking about

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