Anele Mdoda celebrates her son turning six years today.

We might say that being a parent is a trap and all that but it is one of the most important and fulfilling jobs anyone can ever have. Children bring so much joy and happiness in our lives. That’s why we miss them when they are out playing or sleeping.

Anele Mdoda is a television and radio personality. One of the best in the country. She has judged Miss SA peagent a number of times and also SA’s got talent. She recently won an award for her show on 947 FM.

She has a son named Alakhe who has just turned six years old. The little man is obsessed with F1. And Anele is making sure to support his dream. She shared pictures of them together with him pulling faces as always. Time definitely flies, it was just yesterday when he was a tiny little baby. Now he is all grown and is our Lewis Hamilton of the future. Happy Birthday to him.