Amapiano artist made headline again after rumours making rounds that they are expecting

Amapiano artist made headline again after rumours making rounds that they are expectingPieces of gossip by means of virtual diversion stages are Focalistic’s darling ‘DBN Gogo’ certified name Mandisa Radebe might be pregnant after she posted a picture of herself in a stunning dress which seemed to uncover a little bun in the oven at the ”Real Housewives of Lagos” ship off in Johannesburg.

Fans of Pitori ‘Maradona’ remain curious as to whether he to be certain got DBN Gogo impregnated without a doubt is happening,

DBN Gogo later posted a tweet on her twitter account mentioning that people stay close-lipped regarding their viewpoints as she feels that she doesn’t owe anyone any explanation or whatsoever. She didn’t deny or insist the discussion. Months after the couple insisted that they are dating to general society as they posted pictures of being together on Valentine’s Day 14 February 2022 in France Paris, many feel that it is too soon for her to be pregnant.

Lethabo Sebetso has not commented nor have communicated anything about this matter as there is nothing on his virtual diversion accounts, but it at this point has all the earmarks of being that Mzansi is convinced that the Pitori’ Maradona’s bae is pregnant, and they were by then adulating them.