Amanda Du Pont Posts For The First Time After That Video And Here’s What She Had To Say.

Not long ago, South African actress Amanda Du Pont came out and spoke about something that she had kept quiet about for so many years. She did this through a video that she posted on her Instagram and in the video, Amanda spoke of the toxic and heartbreaking things she experienced while she was in a relationship with Jub Jub.




When Amanda revealed the things that happened in her relationship with Jub Jub, a lot of people were left stunned as they didn’t see that coming at all. As much as Amanda stunned people, she however, allowed others who also went through toxic things while they were in a relationship with Jub Jub or while they had some association with him, to also come out with their stories and not be afraid to speak out anymore.

Amanda impacted a lot of people as many more women also came out with their abuse stories and, how they fortunately were able to come out of those abusive relationships while still alive. Many of them sent direct messages to Amanda as Amanda mentioned in her new post. The South African actress posted a picture for the first time ever since she spoke out about the abuse she experienced at the hands of Jub Jub.

Even it might be hard for her to move on, it seems like she’s doing so and hopefully taking some legal action against Jub Jub as well. Those who abuse others must be held for their actions as they might continue to do the same thing to the next person and, that’s not something we would want to see happen.

What do you think of Amanda’s new post? Do you think it’s still a bit too early for her to start posting again or what? Please let me know what you think in the comments section down below.