It has been stated by Makhadzi that her country of origin is Zimbabwe. [Citation needed] The populace of Zimbabwe is overjoyed, and they are making preparations to present her with a farm and a fresh new passport as a sign of their gratitude. Mzansi is dismayed since they will no longer be able to hear their preferred performer in the future.
Hearing one of South Africa’s most popular and influential singers say something like this makes me question if the majority of people in South Africa were taken aback by what they heard. It is being stated that the body of the Limpopo Queen has been discovered; this is the individual in whose honor they have been singing praises and who is sought after in the vast majority of situations. She said with a great deal of satisfaction that both her birth and her upbringing had taken place in Zimbabwe.
Now, a great number of people are attempting to embarrass her by stating things such as, “we knew from the way that she look that, she might be one of them.” As a result, I think that Makhadzi did a fantastic job of remembering where she came from and where she came from her roots. This is something that holds a significant significance for her. As a result, nobody knew about this, and no one anticipated that she would divulge it. Despite the fact that I can see that the statement has angered some individuals, I firmly believe that the African people as a whole have every reason to be proud so long as there is such a high concentration of ability on the African continent.