Alfred return on Turf causes a huge blow for many people on SkeemSaam

Alfred Magongwa has been on holiday for a long time after the injuries that he got in the past months, he felt like the victim of the pranks that were happening at Turf high school which made him lose his eyesight.




But he has now returned with a huge blow on the show and his enemies are starting to panic, because they know that he is out to seek his revenge after he was betrayed by those that he stood with them during the difficult times in Turf.

The good news is that he is now healed and he can see everything with his eyes.

Mr. Kgomo is one of the people that are starting to be scared because he knows what he did to the guy in the past months, after manipulating his wife at work so that he can spend more time with her.

But the person that is going to lose a lot is principal Thobakgale who will attend the hearing soon.