Alfred changed his accent so that he could sound like Evelyn but Mahlatse laughed at him

Early in the morning, Mahlatse and Bushang were having breakfast together. Magongwa walked in and he was happy and speaking in a different accent. He was speaking English, but not the normal one. The way he was talking you could see that he was copying someone and that person is Evelyn.



His goal was to be smart and you cannot be smart by simply speaking in a different accent. Mahlatse and Bushang laughed at him.

They asked him if he was okay and he simply said to them, “I’m having a splendid morning”. They continued to laugh at him and he realized that what he was doing was wrong.

If he had gone to the office speaking like that, they would have made him a laughing stock. He then went to the office with his normal accent. You know what they say about being over excited, it always ends in tears.