Lynn Forbes’ speech leaves Mzansi talking

Lynn Forbes’ speech leaves Mzansi talking.On a somber day, Lynn took to the stage at her son’s memorial service to express her gratitude towards Nadia and Zinhle, who she referred to as her true daughters. However, her tone changed when she mentioned Don Design, who was recently accused of being involved in AKA’s death.



Lynn Forbes’ speech leaves Mzansi talking

Lynn’s expression as she mentioned Don Design suggested that she wasn’t pleased with him, but didn’t want to show it too clearly. A mother’s love for her son knows no bounds, and Lynn is heartbroken that she will never be able to see AKA again.

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For Don Design, this should serve as a warning to look after himself. If he is guilty of any involvement in AKA’s death, Lynn will find out sooner rather than later.

Simply because his name was called out on stage doesn’t mean that she won’t conduct her own investigation on the side. Lynn will seek to avenge her son’s death, as AKA meant the world to her.

Lynn Forbes’ speech leaves Mzansi talking

It is clear that Lynn is devastated by her son’s passing. Losing a child is one of the most difficult things a parent can experience, and the grief that comes with it can be all-consuming.

In moments like this, it’s important for loved ones to come together and support each other. Nadia and Zinhle were clearly sources of strength and comfort for Lynn during this difficult time.

But while Lynn may be focused on her own pain, her mind is also undoubtedly preoccupied with finding answers regarding AKA’s death.

The rapper, whose real name was Kiernan Forbes, passed away in April 2021, and his death was initially thought to be a suicide.

However, rumors have circulated that there may have been foul play involved, and Don Design has been named as a potential suspect.

For Lynn, this is a tragedy on multiple levels. Not only has she lost her son, but she is also now confronted with the possibility that someone close to him may have been involved in his death. The mere idea of such a betrayal must be excruciating for her.