In a surprising turn of events, renowned South African rapper AKA has found himself in a predicament as his furniture has been removed from his supposed home in Bryanston, Gauteng. The news came as a shock to many, as it was widely believed that the rapper owned the luxurious property. However, a source close to the matter has revealed that AKA was, in fact, renting the residence and paying a hefty monthly rent of R40,000.
AKA, whose real name is Kiernan Forbes, had reportedly paid his rent in advance until September 2023. Nonetheless, it appears that his landlord, whose identity remains undisclosed, instructed the Forbes family to remove the rapper’s furniture due to the arrival of new tenants.
The revelation has ignited a flurry of speculation and debate among fans and media alike. Questions have emerged regarding the circumstances leading to AKA’s decision to rent instead of owning the property, as well as the reasons behind the sudden eviction. However, concrete information regarding these aspects is yet to be disclosed.
The property in question, located in the affluent suburb of Bryanston, Gauteng, is renowned for its opulence and luxurious amenities. It served as the rapper’s residence for an undisclosed period, during which AKA enjoyed the comforts and extravagance that the home offered.
AKA, who has achieved significant success in the South African music industry, has been known for his lavish lifestyle and expensive taste. His ability to rent such an extravagant property further emphasized his stature as one of the country’s most prominent entertainers. However, the recent events have shed light on the transient nature of his living situation, leaving fans and observers perplexed.