AKA’s father Tony Forbes breaks into tears during memorial service.

During the past few days after the death of AKA was announced, his father, Tony Forbes, appeared to be a very strong man. If he was not strong, he appeared to be strong in public.

However, today as the late rapper’s memorial service commenced, Tony Forbes broke into tears. The truth is that AKA’s untimely death has hurt too many people. The pain has not only affected his family a we are mourning this tragedy as a nation.




It is really heartbreaking to see the old man in tears, crying for his son, whose life was cut short by the evil criminals. He has really tried all his best to hold himself tougher all the time, and he can’t bottle it up.

It is not easy for any parent to bury their own children, it is even worse when their death came in this tragic way. The only better thing now if for the killers to be arrested so that the family can get justice and closure.