AKA Seems To Have Taken Mr. Tembe’s Advice

In his grief rapper AKA who lost his fiancée Nellie Tembe has turned to the Bible. This is his first post since he released the statement that he was taking a hiatus from the public and all social media platforms.

AKA posted a picture of himself wearing all black and quoted the Bible in his caption. “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,” the caption read. These things that Jesus said he had told them was the disciples’ persecution and grief that would happen followed by a joy that no one can take away when He came back. His fans via the comment section welcomed him back and encouraged him to be strong.

This is not the only sign that despite his grief the rapper is joining the rest of the world bit by bit. According to a poster shared on Instagram by Anele Mdoda he is set to perform on Huawei Joburg day which falls on the 28th of May. The All Eyes On Me hitmaker’s fans think he needs this and are looking forward to his online performance.