AKA ‘s tombstone unveiled and his daughter,Kairo Forbes bidding farewell to her dad.

AKA was finally laid to rest at Westpark Cemetry in Johannesburg.
It was supposed to be a private burial but images and footage from the funeral were leaked on social media.
People said his grave and tombstone were sobering visuals that made his death real in their mind



Dear : Kairo Forbes
I hope you will find this one day whenyou older
I’m sorry you had to lose your dad the way you did but I am proud to say you were brave enough to comfort Nadia when she was crying even though it must have been the hard time for you too and to AKA family it was a inspirational and motivational thing to see you treat Nadia Nakai the way you did. I hope black South Africans people could be more like you guys 😭💔❤️

At this point in time I am so speechless and numb. However, being a member an avid supporter of both Kiernan Forbes and AKA (The SUPAMEGA, Bhova, Forbes, Tata ka Kairo) this meant everything to me, as I was drawing inspiration for this patriotic brother who really loved South Africa with his whole heart.
We will miss your presence bro and you will never be silence as you left us a great legacy of music and a catalogue that is worth of many African memories.
Who am I, not let you go and God was ready to welcome you in heaven.
You were really a SUPAMEGA, a SUPER STAR.