AKA knew he was going to die” | Lebohang Bokako Made Big Allegations About AKA’s Death

The legendary and iconic South African rapper AKA was finally laid to rest yesterday (Saturday 18 February) after he was tragically in cold blood while he was standing outside of a restaurant in Durban, and there are currently multiple speculations and allegations about who might be responsible for his murder, but at the moment everything is just allegations because the South African Police Service (SAPS) are still busy with their investigations.




However, a popular Twitter user named Lebohang Bokako has made some big allegations, as she is claiming that AKA allegedly knew that he was going to die, Lebohang Bokako is claiming that the cover picture of AKA’s upcoming album called “mass country” is allegedly full of hints that AKA’s knew he was going to die, just look what she said…

“AKA knew he was gna die! Look at his album cover the hints are there.

1. The 10c is the date he was shot 10th of Feb 2023

2. Skull where he was exactly shot

3. Mountains is the location, kzn

4. Snake for betrayal of his close friends

5. 94 stands for 9;40pm the time he died” – Wrore Lebohang Bokako on Twitter.