After he did this in #Uyajola99, Mzansi calls for Jub-Jub to be fired immediately.

Evidently, our LaConco has been working hard to keep that flat stomach she’s always wanted. Ex-wife LaConco, who recently showed off a flat stomach, sparked a social media craze when photos surfaced. The populace almost instantaneously embraced Mzansi’s new look.

Ex-wife LaConco recently took to social media to flaunt her new figure after undergoing a weight loss transformation. According to what LaConco has said, she has spent the last four years focusing on how she appears to the world.

accompanied by a caption: “Fasting, watching what I eat more closely, and working out at the gym more frequently are just a few of the methods I’ve tried over the past four years in an effort to achieve my goal of a flatter tummy. The outcomes of my fitness program have exceeded my expectations. I lost a lot of collagen after pregnancy, so there’s nowhere to hide my postpartum belly. I’ll buy the flat stomach after going through extensive blood testing, laser lipo, and body measurement procedures. After a long struggle, I am now beginning to take on the form of my fantasies. Though she is not thin, this African woman clearly takes care of her body. You have adored this body as if it were a god, and for that I am grateful.” She took to paper in her capacity as a writer.

LaConco freely acknowledges the catastrophic consequences pregnancy had on her. She says she was doing fine up until the time she became pregnant. When people find out that LaConco has a son, they are often taken aback.

There is only one ex-wife of Jacob Zuma, and that is the present First Wife, LaConco. She became famous after appearing as one of the “Real Housewives of Durban” on a TV show of the same name. Additionally, she was a well-known voice on Vuma’s radio station. The host of Mzansi Magic’s “Our Perfect Wedding,” LaConco is a well-known figure in the industry thanks to her many guest-starring roles on other shows.