After Crying Out To The Public Khuzani Gets His Money From Legend Manqele

Maskandi artist Khuzani Mpungose has something to smile about, a bank notification leads to screenshots and promises.




KwaZulu-Natal well celebrated artist, Khuzani Mpungose proves the power of social media will never lead you astray. The singer went on a rant last week when he demanded to be paid what was due to him, he went on to expose two prominent names in the entertainment industry. The star’s accusation seemed to have fueled his fans to fight on his behalf, a number of his follwers were vocal about the matter.

Ayanda Melansi, Khuzani Mpungose & Legend Manqele

According to Khuzani he hadn’t received payment for the SABC 1 show Khuzani Bo, the show was aired last year 2021. He stated that the producer of the show Legend Manqele and Ayanda Melansi hadn’t paid him a cent for his contribution for the success of the show. Apparently the SABC made payments in the year 2021, Khuzani has been waiting for his half but never got anything in return. He stated that he had waited for so long for what was due to him, this rant and expose’ led to a R50 000 payment by the next day.

Khuzani acknowledged the R50 000 but added that there’s R250 000 that needs to be paid to him. A week later after going back forth with Ayanda Melansi on social media, the 32 year old posted some great news on his Facebook page. He stated that the remaining balance of R250 000 has been paid as of this morning. He promised the people of his home province that he will assist those who were recently affected by floods, a certain amount of the money received will definitely assist the flood victims.




“Ngiyabingelela kunina nonke.


Ngithi anginibikele,njengoba nganginibikele nasekuqaleni, uMnumzane Manqele we Barleader usewukhokhile u R250 000 abengikweleta wona since from last year lemali ikhokhwe ngo 10:50am namhlanje.

Izeluleko zenu yizona ezenze ngakhokhelwa ukuba bekungengani kungabe angikhokhelwanga ngithi isandla sedlula ikhanda ngamandla enu eniwakhombise kimi lokhu enikwenzile nikwenze nakwabanye.