After Bricks molested his 17-year old niece, he called himself a solider.

Bricks was sentenced to jail for raping a 17-year-old girl. Brick raped his own niece. She was a virgin and got infected with STLS.

Brick posted pictures of himself back from prison, and he called himself a solider. Many people are celebrating his coming back as if there is nothing wrong with what he did. It is worse because they call him a solider.

It makes me so angry that a man who raped a 17-year-old girl can be called a soldier upon his return from jail. A lot of people don’t take rape seriously as they don’t know how it feels to be the victim. It is said that he has been sentenced to jail, but that doesn’t change what he has done to the little girl’s life. How is she feeling right now, seeing you celebrating the coming of Bricks? Man are also ready to forget what happened just because Bricks sentenced the years.

Rape is not something that can be forgotten. Bricks changed the life of the little girl. He could not fix her life anymore.