Actress Thandeka Shangase speaks on her new role as she joins Generations The Legacy

Entertainer Thandeka Shangase has shared her energy as she joins Generations: The Legacy.





The 29-year-old entertainer from Umlazi, south of Durban, will show up on the SABC1’s soapie one week from now.

The over-joyed Thandeka said she accepts that her new job will take her profession to more prominent statures.

“I was loaded up with energy when my representative common the news with me toward the start of August. I was more invigorated when I began shooting on 10 August.

“As far as I might be concerned, this is an awesome open door. Regardless of being informed that it is a little job, as far as I might be concerned, there is no little job as each chance checks,” said Thandeka.

She pondered internally, this was the greatest job she’s always needed to play.

Featuring her job, she said: “Despite the fact that I’m not permitted to unveil the subtleties, everything I can say is that it’s an exceptionally enthusiastic job.”

She said each time she gets a call from her representative with regards to another chance, she has figured out how to see the value in whatever job that comes her direction, regardless of how little.

“That is the way I decide to acknowledge the news. As far as I might be concerned, each job is large since you can’t be sure whether your next huge agreement is watching.

“They disclosed to me I will show up in the second seven day stretch of September, in a couple of scenes for the present. In the event that my person develops, you will be seeing a greater amount of me on your screens,” said Thandeka.

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