Actress Florence Masebe Shows Off Her Multilingualism

Ask most people and they will tell you that the ability to speak multiple languages is one of the biggest accomplishments out there and it can take one to places globally.

Not surprisingly, most of those who can speak multiple languages are more than proud to advertise the same. Take South African actress Florence Masebe, for example.






In a clip post by MDN News, the former “Muvhango” actress showed off her multilingualism, easily speaking six local languages. The clip captured the attention of many of her compatriots, who praised her skills.Of course, multilingualism is not something one easily achieves. Even most people cannot achieve that in a lifetime. So it is understandable why South Africans are stuck by Masebe’s achievement and why the actress herself brags about the same. You can check out the post below.By the way, being multilingual also means that she is able to easily interpret roles in the languages she is conversant with and do the same with commendable naturalness.

By the way, Florence Masebe, who will be 52 later this year, stands out for her great acting skills and has featured on some of the most recognised soapies in the Rainbow Nation, from “Skeem Saam” to “Muvhango.”