Actor Israel Matseke Zulu loses his leg to gangrene

Israel Matseke Zulu is an award winning actor, who has been featured on numerous films, movies and television opera saopies. Before he left the Mzansi Magic saopie Gomora, he had a role which is similar to the one he usually starres on the screen. On Gomora he played the long,

Lost father of Teddy Buthelezi who was a convicted gangster member and was working on being there for his son as a father but his character was cut shot when he was diagnosed with gangrene. Israel said when he was diagnosed he really didn’t have much of the problem but,

It became a problem when he was on Gomora because he had to work effortlessly and give his best but he said his legs were giving up on him and he had to take a break for a moment on set, although hid character has to be taken out.

His fans were not happy about him leaving when Don was killed, The Gomora crew paid tribute to thr veteran actor and the producers have hinted the idea of bringing him back on the show for the next year. Matseke-Zulu’s manager revealed to the Sunday world the operation

Was confirmed on the 10th of December on his right leg at the Sandton hospital about two weeks ago and now he is at home recovering with his close friends and family members. He was very open about his encounter and his struggle about gangrene which made him to beg the producers of

Gomora to cut him off the script, because he it was hard for him to work because he was also using a wheelchair when his character was killed. He said he love Gomora because it is in his childhood home in Alexandra and said when he is no set he

Loves giving it all, when given a task or character and that’s why he wanted to take some time off because he couldn’t give it all.