Actor Azwindini’s near-death experience

AZWINDINI has experienced the wrath of the ancestors in a rather dramatic fashion on Muvhango.

For months, they’ve been communicating through dreams, urging him to return to Thathe and assume his rightful position as chief.




His life recently swayed on the edge when he narrowly escaped death, nearly succumbing to smoke inhalation after his wife’s beef stew started burning in the oven while he slept.

This terrifying incident served as a wake-up call, prompting Azwindini to finally acknowledge the ancestors’ message.He took a month’s leave to return home, but not without encountering further complications.

He fainted as he was about to go back home. Was it a little too late for the chief? Let’s hope he survives this.Nkele, feeling threatened, has even asked Tenda to cut ties with Mpho, indicating shows rocky love triangle.

On House of Zwide, MaMchunu displays either remarkable strength or denial. Despite her husband Mshengu’s sins, including the controversial decision to take their son Khwezi off life support without consulting Khwezi’s wife, Fakazile, she has quickly forgiven him.

He’ll keep treating people like second-class citizens because he knows he can literally get away with murder.

Fakazile, now married to Khwezi’s brother Nqubeko, struggles with her desire to mourn Khwezi properly, causing friction with Nqubeko who views her actions as disrespectful to their marriage.

Furthermore, Mshengu’s other son, Ndumiso, is struggling to come to terms with his wife Puseletso’s infidelity. If Ndumiso can’t completely forgive her and forget what happened, he needs to let her go. Their relationship is in shambles right now, with trust issues, anger and constant bickering.