A Video Of SK Khoza And Babes Wodumo Was Released Last Night, See This

The first thing that one would want to know about this story is how this meetup even happened because some people genuinely never thought that these two were close in any way.

Now, it is easy to point out that actor SK Khoza and singer Babes Wodumo are very controversial and seeing them together just makes one wonder what got them to be in one place.



Maybe they once worked on something together in the past or they are probably working on something now, it is not clear.

But people were interested to know why they were hanging out, they do not seem like people who would be interested in the same things.

Not to say that it is a bad thing that they were hanging out because it is not, but one has to remember that Babes is a married woman and the last thing that one would think she would do is to hang out with SK.

Again, there is no intention to make it seem like the actor is a loverboy who cannot control himself around women because that should not even be the narrative. Aside from the video thing where he was licking the cake, the guy is actually a good guy.

We know this because people around him have come out to say that there might be all these negative things said about him on social media, but he is a good person who does not believe in limiting himself in life.

And he definitely does not suffer from “Bazothini Abantu” syndrome, he lives his life the way he wants to, he is that free.

When it comes to Babes Wodumo, it is the same thing, her behaviour might have seemed reckless sometimes, but she speaks her mind.

She has gone live on Instagram a lot and she calls out people she does not get along with almost every time and in most of these IG Lives, she is tipsy and says and does whatever she wants.

So, people might choose to label SK and Babes, but the two are just living their lives without fear of being ridiculed.

In the short video that was shared around 11PM last night, the SK and Babes are just casual, it seems like they were just hanging out, but we cannot know for sure.

Some people suspect that there is something that happened, but only time will tell, there is probably a lot that happens that we are not aware of.