A Very Painful Site To See: Clair Mawisa Is Being Insulted

Clair Mawisa took it to social media, that she two younger boys gossiping about her and unfortunately they didn’t say beautiful things about her but rather it was the opposite… They said that her face looks younger but on the other hand if you pay attention to her hands, it’s proof that she’s old but infact she never felt insecure infact she did the opposite she displayed her so that they can see it, she’s still surprised that even on this day and age a lot of people are still obsessed with a woman’s beauty. She said this trend of valuing a lady while she’s still in her youth it needs to stop, it’s not right by valuing a lady based on what she looks like.

This thing happens a lot to woman but it’s rare in man, she did admit that it’s true that indeed the hands of ladies they do give them their age more than their face also explained the reason why scientifically. What she said made a lot of sense she said that compared to our faces our hands have a little bit of fat, and also added by saying that our hands are very much exposed to the sun more than our faces, and also added that most of the ladies hands are exposed to chemicals when they’re, doing laundry or washing dishes those are the very same hands doing chores.

Those are not just hands, they did a lot of chores they raised your babies they have kept things in order… As much as you have to take care of them you have to be proud of the things that they have done. She also said that she has had the privilege of growing old, also added by saying that our hands are tools that we’re using heavily in order to function in the world, she won’t allow a twenty something year old to make her feel like she’s no way good enough, she’s 42 years old and she shared a picture of her hands.