A new Musa Mseleku? Businessman Smanga Mabaso has multiple wives like the popular polygamist

Polygamy seems to be spreading faster than a flu infection in a primary school and everyone is catching this particular virus. The need to expose a glamorous side of polygamy, to me, would stem from the horrible representation Musa Mseleku gives it on his show, “Uthando Nes’thembu”

The business man Smanga Mabaso posted himself with his wives out for the Glenlivet Jazztown with a caption that simply read, “If you know you know.” Proceeding to tag all the women in the picture on the post without further explanation. However one need only peruse his Instagram to discover that he is thrice married to very beautiful women. Their names are Phumzile Dumakude, Zama Gcaba and Nomfundo Mabaso.

Their lifestyle is clearly different from us regular folks and their picture had tongues wagging once Musa Khawula posted it to his Twitter account. But the general consensus was that the man must truly be monied. One user simply wrote, “One thing I know you can’t have 3 wives without money, so surely this guy has moola.”

I have to wonder if the trend of polygamy exists because of Musa Mseleku. He paved the way for ot to be normalized to the point where it isn’t so strange to see a man with multiple women.

Usually this would be associated with something positive but I don’t think that it necessarily is. We’ve seen Mseleku and his wives and their conflict that last ages upon ages. Throughout five seasons they never seem to be one cohesive family just many small families, no unity.

Personal Thoughts
I’m no stranger to having a strong opinion on polygamy. It is an institution that I strongly believe takes advantage of women and shows like “Mnakwethu” prove that. I wouldn’t encourage it for anyone I know but maybe it’s different for men with capital. If a man can actually afford to maintain the lifestyle then maybe it isn’t too bad. But would I ever subject myself to it? No.