A Customer disappointed after asking for a teddy bear cake and getting a different result

A baker left a customer disappointed with the cake they delivered.

The customer wanted a two-step cake with a teddy bear on top but what was delivered looked nothing like the original one, the customer needed this is very shocked to ask for someone to bake you a cake agree but knowing that he or she can’t do it properly like the way.








This woman gets sad because this cake was about to use it on her birthday party she spent over R1500 to pay for the useless unshaped cake that is not currently good-looking.

This cake left people on social media talking after the woman used to share her experience of ordering a cake online after finding the baker online on social media Twitter, to bake her while the baker knows that he can’t do anything best on her this is very disappointed, the customer a lot she currently referring her self on buying this cake to the wrong person but she didn’t know it that she will be scammed like this way.

This is what everyone should stop ordering things from people they don’t know them and their work some people need money and they are desperate so they need to wake up by doing selfish things to other people.

You have to check before you order that this person knows his work properly to avoid getting scared like this.

This is a lesson to some of the people who use to do the same story as this woman to order things without knowing someone’s work.

People used to feel sorry for her not to reaped this again.