A cake fit for a Queen. Take a look at Connie Ferguson’s 52nd birthday cake.

It doesn’t matter what life throws at you, at the end of the day you have to get up and keep moving. So many people make the mistake of giving. Dwelling on the bad doesn’t make it better. But facing the bad head on makes it better. Life is about living.




Connie Ferguson is a remarkable actress. It’s amazing how she has gone from being an actress to being her own boss. She’s not only her own boss but she has created many jobs for other people. The actress is a gym fanatic, which has made her look this young.

Connie is 52 years old but because she lives a healthy lifestyle, it is hard to tell. She celebrated her birthday days back and as expected famous baker Chef Zondi baked a cake fit for a queen. It was all white with a crown on top. We hope she enjoyed her day.