South African actress Bubu Mazibuko stunned her 53000 Twitter followers when she revealed that she is pregnant. The Kwazulu Natal born star, who is known in South Africa for roles on Gaz Lam and Yizo Yizo shared beautiful images of the of her belly on her Instagram page. She can be seen posing with her husband and then proceeding to pose on her own.
Bubu’s fans were largely congratulatory but some could have been wondering how and why she is having a baby at 47. Women are known to have a biological clock. What this means is that the chances of pregnancy decrease with age, as the number of eggs and the viability of those eggs diminish when a woman nears 40. It is very rare to fall pregnant at her age without fertility treatments and Gugu was on hand to thank her fertility team, among others for her pregnancy.
Pregnancy at Bubu’s age is also more likely to have complications for both the mother and the baby, particularly without specialist medical care. Babies born to older mothers have a higher risk of certain chromosomal conditions, such as Down syndrome. The mothers could end up with high blood pressure and congenital disorders.
Enough of the doom and gloom. Let us wish Bubu a happy pregnancy.