In an unexpected turn of events, popular American psychic Kandis Starr has made a shocking revelation about Costa Titch’s death.
Kandis Starr claims that South African rapper Costa Titch was poisoned by someone close to him
Costa Titch’s real name is Costantinos Tsobanoglou, and he died on March 11 at the age of 28 while performing at the Ultra Music Festival at the Expo Centre in Johannesburg.
Kandis Starr claims two spirit guides helped introduce her to “Costa Titch” in the “afterlife” following Costa Titch’s death.
The “spirits” revealed that Costa was poisoned after his shot was “spiked” before he took the stage to perform. The “spirits” claim a female spiked his shot.
Kandis asked Costa Titch what happened to him during his performance on stage, a voice is heard saying: “Can’t breathe….In the video, Kandis revealed that she spoke to AKA and Costa Titch’s spirits during a supernatural session.
In the video, a voice was heard saying:
“It’s all good AKA’s here.” It continues: “We are deceased…team rolls up.
The mysterious voice also went on to reveal that AKA murder was a hit.