Zizo Tshwete’s baby daddy with his children.

We love fathers who are changing the narrative when it comes to fatherhood. Being a father isn’t about money but the love that you give your child by being present. The new age dads are taking their role serious and we are hear for it. Children deserve present fathers.




When a child is loved and loved right, everything about them will show you that. Mayi Tshwete is a politician and former spokesperson for Home Affairs. He is now a businessman and focused on raising his children. He has two sons with television and radio presenter Zizo. The third son, we’ve just been seeing pictures of him. We are not sure of his mother or if he adopted him.

Mayi is very present in raising his children. He even attends even the smallest events at their schools. We love how weekends are for him and his boys. He shared a picture of him and with all three of them, looking very happy.