Lamiez Holyworth celebrates her mother with a brand new car

There’s nothing a child cannot do without their mother. A mother’s support makes it possible for a child to do anything in life. Some children even get motivated to work hard so that they can make their parents happy. That’s why they deserve all the finer things in life.





Lamiez Holyworth is an award winning dj and television presenter. She’s where she is because of her talent, dedication and of her mother. Her mother, Imelda is her biggest fan. She’s responsible for managing her career. It is very rare to see Lamiez without her mother. That’s how inseparable they are.

Her mother recently celebrated her birthday. And as expected they had a big celebration. Lamiez shared pictures of her mother standing next to a brand new car. She has a big smile on her face. We wouldn’t be surprised if her children bought her the car. She deserves all the good things that life has to offer.