“Meet the 17 year old young creative matric student Buhle Gotsha, the Founder & Owner of Ericcson Dorra which is a brand that deals in a classic mechanical wrist watches. One unique thing about his break-out is the fact that, the skill of watch-making was self-taught and the brand is a product of his own creative idea and loads of research work.
It is wonderful of him to have created something beautiful, and that will be his legacy. He should be proud that he made something for himself. That is how many people want the youth to be rather than following the traits of their parents to build a career. The good thing is that with YouTube, you would learn a lot about it and then create your own magic.
He has created the watch out of love and to honour his parents, Eric and Dorra. Doing something is great, and you will become someone who has made an impact. You should try, and from the beginning, it is always tough to get something off the ground. When you look at Lekau Sehoana or Theo Baloyi, you see them from success made from their endless hard work. When people are going to have fun, you can get to work.
When they are back from entertainment, you are with them, and in the long run, they will wonder how it was possible. It takes good management of yourself to build a brand and become a different person. Change is good, but it may not be easier to have it. When you have good support from your parents, take advantage of it.
“When you look at Tlhopie Motsepe, he has done tremendous work, and he took advantage of his father.” He is now in charge. When you have older parents who are financially successful, use it to your advantage rather than having to enjoy the success of your parents. They should help you when you need help, and you should not have pride over it.
“I named my WATCH BRAND after my parent’s names. My dad’s name is ‘Eric’ and my mother is ‘TheoDorra.’ And I’m thier ‘Son’. which is why there’s 2 S’s in Erricsson (Erric’s son)”