Mandla “Mampintsha” Maphumulo, a renowned star of the Gqom genre, is currently available to take some time off. Yesterday was the day when the musician’s memorial service, where friends and family paid their respects. On December 24, Mampintsha suffered a stroke, which ultimately led to his passing into the great beyond.
His legacy will be remembered as that of a selfless individual who assisted alternative musicians in any stage of their careers. Mampintsha’s father expressed his grief and struggle to come to terms with his son’s passing during his speech at the memorial service. He said he was still coming to terms with it. DJ Tira predicted that Mampintsha’s inheritance would be preserved for future generations.
Mourners have begun to gather for Mampintsha’s funeral, which is being broadcast live on Twitter using the hashtag #MampintshaFuneral 8. “I’m glad this house [church] is crammed like this because it suggests that the love you’ve got for Mampintsha, Big Nuz, Afrotainment, and West Ink is massive,” said Big Nuz, who presided over the funeral. There is still a significant amount of work that needs to be done.
It is time for our sister Babes Wodumo to reclaim her position at the very pinnacle.
“Mampintsha was an incredibly talented and creative individual. You are not allowed to compare anything that was his to anything or anyone else. What proportion of teams in African nations or elsewhere in the world have been dormant for the past 10 years, and after making a comeback, have climbed to the very top?