Now that Mr Kganyago ran away with Jacobeth’s money, she has a lot to do. There are many people that she needs to apologize to, she disrespected her former colleagues and told them the most hurtful words ever.
She thought by this time she will be living in Ireland with Mr Kganyago in their new house Mr Kganyago told her that he bought a house, but the pictures he showed her were from the internet. Mr Kganyago did exactly what he said he will do to Jacobeth.
Mr Kganyago is now wealthy using the money that he never worked for. Mr Kganyago said Jacobeth will not know what hit her and it really did. Jacobeth will not have a strength to report Mr Kganyago for what he did to her. She doesn’t know where she will start from. She needs to stay atrong.