Thembi From #Dlozlami Impressed Her Fans After She Revealed This About Taking Soil From The Grave

A lot of individuals have been questioning if it’s okay to collect burial soil for their own use. Misinformation has led many to believe they should not remove earth from graves. Thembi offers explanations for why people steal goods from the afterlife in the most recent episode of in #Dlozlami. 



Yonela, a concerned woman, learns that her entire family has been involved in separate automobile accidents. They are aware that a spirit must be retrieved, but they are unsure of which one.

Since she’s come to terms with the fact that she’ll have to attend yet another funeral in her family every year, the lady decides to consult Thembi for some spiritual advice. Her great-grandparents’ spirits, according to the consultants she’s consulted after each of her many mishaps, must be retrieved. 

The woman has asked Thembi to locate her grandmother’s tomb and put her in touch with her. She knows where she is because her great-grandmother told her. When the time came to take her home, they had to go get her and hide her in a plant pot from the spirit.

The reason why pot plants are so popular is because their flowers and leaves are excellent at keeping one’s mood stable. The plant’s spirit will grow in proportion to the amount of water it receives. 

Therefore, Thembi suggests that people who have lost their loved ones’ graves or who have been unable to locate their remains could go and summon them in the woods, bringing back some of the soil to plant in a container and keeping it at home. 

Please keep in mind that if you pick the flower and then forget to water it, the spirit will disappear. To keep the spirit in the plant, it is essential that it be well cared for at all times. If a loved one’s body cannot be found, there is no reason for anyone to worry or stress. Keep in mind that what really matters is not keeping the skeleton but the soul alive. 

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