Kgosi currently goes about as though Lehasa’s child is his and he imagines before the specialist. Kgosi inquires as to whether Khwezi is having a kid or a young lady, this comes after they went to the specialist together.
Kgosi should know his cutoff. First he isn’t the dad of Khwezi’s child, besides, he has no option to get some information about the orientation of the child. Kgosi is recently energized, however what he is father of the child? There is a great deal about Khwezi that watchers don’t have any idea.
As I would see it I figure Khwezi ought to bring forth a child young lady, since Lehasa needs the successor, then, at that point, Lovely will be the person who ia giving him the main successor. This way Khwezi will know her place and regard Pretty for the lady she is. Khwezi ought to conceive an offspring now it has been for such a long time.
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