The Parents must be arrested, people react after seeing this pictures of kids crying

During this time of the year, there is a lot of entertainment for kids, especially at the malls, and some parents like taking their kids out and having fun with them. But the thing doesn’t end up the way parents want them to. Because some kids are scared they are scare of some entertainment at the mall, some kids don’t react very well to some things as much as people are saying Santa is for kids some kids are scared of him, and some parents don’t understand that, but the only thing they want is to take pictures of their kids, not knowing the trauma they put their kids in by doing that to them.




Some parents don’t understand that the fear of something can take time to go away. If as a parent you want your child to enjoy their day make it all about them not you, don’t make your child regret going out because of something you think it’s funny that they find scary.

Pictures of little kids crying during a photo shoot with a man dressed like a scary doll left people fuming after these pictures were shared on social media. Below are the pictures shared:

Some parents might find this funny, but some people on social media were not impressed at all someone even commented saying the parents of these kids should be arrested. Someone even mentioned that they once watched a movie with this character in it and they were scared to the point that they never watched the movie ever again, and they were still young by then.

So imagine if an adult says they are scared of this thing, what about a child or parents don’t care anymore they think about themselves and take pictures and post them on social media forgetting that the child will be traumatized they might not even sleep at night after seeing this. The fear in these kids’ eyes it’s real and you can see they are scared. The purpose of taking a child to the mall is so that they can enjoy themselves, now the child must cry the whole mall because parents think it’s funny, no this is wrong.

Someone even commented saying As much as I love our people, there’s an element of US I can’t stand!!! These are THEY (Who forced these children into this mess)!!! Go look up the word TRAUMA!!!!😡🤨 Our children trust us to protect them…😏I’m done, but this ran me hot!!!

Some commented saying This is so wrong. I won’t do it to my kids for anything.

These lovely angels might end up having fevers due to the trauma.