As she was in a relationship with a Zimbabwean actor and model Tino Chinyani, Simz fell pregnant with her first child. On June 23rd, 2020, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Tiyani Kemorena Michael Chinyani. A clothing line was also started in his name. He is now one of the most popular celebrity kids in Mzansi as his parents looked into building an empire for him while he is still young.
Tiyani is also one of the most adored celebrity kids in Mzansi, he is always looking happy and bubbly, recently Simphiwe Ngema decided to take him out. The mother and son had so much fun as they enjoyed their time together. The star took to social media to share adorable and breathtaking pictures with her son. Her pictures caught a lot of people’s attention leaving many in a state of awe.
A lot of people loved how the mother and son bonded, their bond also melted a lot of people’s hearts while some of their pictures left many in stitches. What’s your take on this amazing actress’ recent adorable moments with her son? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below, like and don’t forget to hit the share button.