Musa Mseleku’s 4th wife MaNgwabe angers Uthando Nes’thembu viewers

After being on the mouth of the viewers for sometime “MaNgwabe” seem not to stop being the topic of the day on the mouth of the viewers, this was after “MaNgwabe” has found herself being a topic after she has caused another feud in the “Mseleku “household.

It has been eight episodes ever since the return of “Uthando Nesthembu” already viewers are fed up by “MaNgwabe’s” behavior as they feel “MaNgwabe” does no longer want to be in the polygamy marriage due to her actions.









Viewers and tweeps indicated that “MaNgwabe” behaves like she is single, she sidelined herself and act differently from other wives of “Mseleku”. The viewers indicated that she no loner performs her wifely duties on “Uthando Nesthembu”.

Instead she is always causing a feud in the “Mseleku” household and it upsets the viewers as they indicated that the main reason for them watching the show is to see the life of “Musa Mseleku” and his wives.

Viewers expressed that “MaNgwabe” wants out of the marriage and she no longer wants to be there as on the show she is no longer a team player she does not do what the wives do or interact with them like before on the show.