Trevor Noah’s mother Patricia Noah allegedly owes SARS over R24 million in Tax Debt

Trevor Noah is one the biggest comedy acts representing South Africa in United States. The comedian has found his way through abroad, hosting ‘The Daily Show’ boosted his revenue and networth. The Cape Town star recently announced that he’s already fully booked for 2023. Meanwhile his mother, Patricia Noah is allegedly R24 million in the red and Sars has reportedly issued a final letter of demand to the businesswoman in an attempt to recover the outstanding funds.





Patricia runs property business ‘PN Noah Estates’ which is in danger of having some of her assets attached and sold by Sars to offset the debt, if she is unable to honour the payment within the period stipulated by Sars.

Entrepreneurs are often faced with so many daily challenges that tax compliance is prioritised as much as it should be and the lack of resources often leads to business owners defaulting on their tax commitments as deadlines come and go. Dr Malinga was one of the celebrities who asked for financial assistance to the public after failing to settle his half a million SARS Debt.

Salaried employees have their tax deducted by their employers from their remunerations and paid over to SARS by their employers, thus fulfilling their tax obligations but those who are self-employed receive their income untaxed before it makes its way into their bank accounts, placing the onus on them to pay Sars.

Failing to honour tax commitments can lead to entrepreneurs finding by their employers, thus fulfilling their tax obligations.