Sonia Mbhele on her failed marriage and reveals her new man

“Sonia Mbele “has shared details of her relationships and how she is adjusting to life after divorce. “Leslie Sedibe”, a businessman, and she recently divorced, and she recently discussed it on the radio.






The former generation actors went out and speak on what lead to her divorce, and how she is coping after getting a divorce.

“Sonia Mbele’s “decision to leave generations behind for her marriage. Former generations actor went on and said that she once ditched her work for her ex husband. She said the ex husband did not understand when “Sonia “was acting and she had a problem with it, then” Sonia “had to quit her job just to pleazes him.

“Sonia “has always been outspoken about the breakdown of her marriage to the businessman, which led to her leaving her position at Generations.

“Sonia “said at the time when she left her job just because her man asked her to she saw it as she was trying to save and make her wedding work. But as time went by she said that she realized that the man was trying to controll her ,what she do and who see associate herself with.

In a statement to “Dineo Ranaka “and “Sol Phenduka” of “Kaya 959”, she said, “You know when something is not working and you still want to make it work in any way. When I was on the biggest show in the nation, I recall being unable to watch it because it made the people around me uncomfortable. More depth was added.

In the intervening years, “Sonia “has discovered love. After she parted ways with the businessman ,”Sonia “had a time alone as she exclaimed she was still finding herself. Right now it is said that “Sonia “is seeing someone else, she has not said much if it is serious or not.