DJ Zinhle recently shared a breathtaking picture of her brother and his wife, leaving many stunned

You might ask why marriage is so necessary, especially when so many individuals nowadays choose live-in relationships. Many individuals say that the rings, stereotyping, oaths, state interference, and restrictive rules turn marriage into a commercial instrument rather than an intimate tie.


This is rather not true because, when one finds the right partner it’s very easy to settle down and plan a future together. We have seen so many people being in successful marriages and they have been with their partners for years. It all depends on the two parties who agree to be in a marriage. It seems like DJ Zinhle’s brother and his wife are one two of the people who will have a happy marriage life.

Zinhle recently took to her Instagram account to share an adorable picture of the two as she appreciated God for the blessings. Her post caught many of her followers’ attention, leaving them gushing over her brother and her sister in-law. What’s your take on DJ Zinhle’s recent post? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below, like and don’t forget to hit the share button.