Mzansi Is Left In Tears After Hearing Musa Mseleku RevealingThis About His Daughter

Mzansi have been left speechless and angry after hearing Musa admitting in national tv that the family acted reckless after her daughter was raped. Mzansi is in shock and they cannot help but to blame the father who failed to protect her daughter.





Musa Mseleku is a South African producer, businessman, polygamist and reality star. Musa is known of having four wife’s and out of his marriage he also have two daughters known as Snehlanhla and Mpilo. Sne is currently under the guidance of his first wife MaCele while Mpilo is under the guidance of Thobile who is his third wife.

Apparently Sne is pregnant with the third child. It is believed that the first child who is staying with MaCele is a product of rape. Musa were left disappointed after hearing that Sne is pregnant with the third child. During his diary session he revealed that the fact that she was raped when she was still young and the fact that the matter were handled reckless has affected Sne mentally.

Musa have revealed in the diary session that one of the boy who is from the Mseleku homestead sexually assaulted her daughter. Apparently Sne is going through Hyper sexuality. This is trauma response. Musa have kicked Sne out of the house that they gave her to stay with her second child. People in twitter has been feeling sorry for her since she does not have a mother.

Musa have also revealed that he will no longer gave her money. He said giving her money it means he is funding their relationship. Musa made it clear that he want nothing to do with her or her babies.

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