Instead of enjoying her pregnancy she is not settled that Lehasa was calling Nothile. Khwezi is now investigating hoping to find out if Nothile is back again. Khwezi must know her place because Nothile wants nothing to do with her.
Khwezi wants Lehasa to tell her everything that he does. She wants to know who Lehasa is calling and what he is saying to them. After finding out that Nothile is back, what is she going to do? It is not like Nothile will take Khwezi’s baby away from her.
Khwezi now asks Nothile’s best friend to find out what she really wants from her husband, unfortunately Nothile’s best friend did not say anything to her. Khwezi should find herself a man in Joburg because she loves unnecessary drama. Lehasa must get her own place of her own if he wants to stay away from the drama.