Skeem Saam: What Khwezi did to Mavimbela for Lehasa to win the case

Lehasa was declared free last night by Judge Mavimbela, one of his enemies.

Everyone was talking after the not-guilty verdict, and many people are still speculating about what might have actually happened.






What could have been the cause of the delay in reading out the verdict after Mavimbela arrived at court an hour later?

Keep in mind that Lehasa’s baby mama is like a dog with a bone—until she gets what she wants, she won’t let go.

Khwezi was working hard to gather information about Mavimbela prior to the reading of the verdict so she could use it to blackmail him.

She was prepared to spend as much as R1 million to ensure that she obtained some dirt on him.

Lehasa is Mavimbela’s enemy, and he was going to make sure that he rotted in jail, but he was unable to continue because of how much he stands to lose.

Khwezi once made the suggestion that the Mavimbela family operated some small shady businesses; this may have been the justification they used to get Mavimbela to acquit Lehasa.

Lehasa and Pretty’s relationship will face a lot of hostility and distress following the trial, and it will be difficult for them to move on.