Tokyo marries his longtime girlfriend. She is 44 years younger than him

His wife is 44 years younger than him. Over the weekend, the ANC politician and billionaire, Tokyo walked down the aisle with her new wife Nataxa da Silva.

Even though people were happy for him to be walking down the aisle, some were surprised at the age gap between and his new wife. turned 69, while she is 44 years. And according to the media news, the pair have been dating for 9 years.The wedding was stunning, with both and day Silva beaming smiles, as a sign that they are happy to be taking their relationship to another level. Family members from both sides of the couple attended the event in droves and celebrated the union with ululations by throwing white flowers to tnr newlyweds.




Even though they have kept their honeymoon destination a secret but Mzansi expects that it will be an experience of their lifetime.

Congratulations, , and Mrs da Silva. We hope you will enjoy your day and many more years ahead together.

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