Yizo Yizo Actor Makhaola Ndebele Will Be Joining etvScandal, With A Shady Character

This was first shared by Entertainment Commentator Kgopolo “Phil” Mphela.

Makhoala plays Reginald “Reggie” Pheko, Khanyi Jewel’s art tutor.

The casting brief stated, “Reggie is good-looking and old-fashioned, between 40 and 45 years old, and he’s Khanyi-art Jewel’s tutor. He is a gentleman to almost everyone. He is measured, well-dressed, and disciplined.

“He is retired and wealthy but chooses to live a very simple life. After retiring, he decided to pursue a long-held interest in painting. He now teaches children to draw and has a wonderful relationship with children.”


“He’s been through a lot, but the battle scars are barely noticeable.” Instead, they’ve refined him into a polite, gentlemanly man.”
The teaser for Monday 31 October reads:

“An art tutor, talented with children, is introduced to Khanyi”

Makhaola has played Benny on Generations, Archie on e.tv’s Scoop Schoombie, and Tiny on the Mzansi Magic drama series Umbuso most recently.
Most people are wondering if the actor will reprise his role as a thug in a suit. He is most well-known for these roles.

However, it appears that the 51-year-old will leave a lot to be desired when confronted with the dealings of his past life. What is this man hiding, and who is he?