If there’s one career that is undermined and full of too much responsibility, it’s teaching. Teachers are going through a lot at work, and those who don’t know might think teaching is just a simple job. Being a teacher is way more than just standing in front of learners and teaching them. The hardest part is having to deal with learners with different attitudes and behaviors. There are children who come from backgrounds where they were not taught respect, and hence they tend to be troublesome towards teachers.
Many people can’t agree to this, but the truth is that there are teachers who are being bullied by students. A few days ago, there was a trending photo of a learner holding a brick and attempting to beat a teacher with it. One thing that is ruining our children is that teachers are no longer allowed to give them corporal punishment. They undermine them and start disrespecting them because they know they won’t do anything to them.
Following all that, there is a very heartbreaking story of a teacher who gets by a student that she teaches. Mphosela, a teacher of Physical Science who is in the photos above, was allegedly stabbed to death by a Grade 12 student who is 20 years old. According to the allegations, the student, who is presently in police custody, assaulted and stabbed the instructor when she was at her home. There is no evidence to suggest why the person committed such horrible things. On the other hand, people think that the suspect lived with the teacher.
This is very scary. Nowadays, teachers are no longer respected because of this no corporal punishment rule. Ever since it was implemented , teachers have lost respect . Children do as they please, knowing that the teacher won’t do anything to them. In my opinion, the government must bring back corporal punishment at schools. It will help to instill discipline and make children respect their teachers.