Zambian Prophet makes prophesy About Makhadzi. Here is what he said

Makhadzi is well-known in Africa because of her good music, which makes people want to dance and forget about their problems. She has been to Canada and the UK, and it was nice to hear white people sing her songs with the right words. A prophet is busy telling people what will happen to Makhadzi.

Prophet Isaiah Brian Sovi was born in the Zambian city of Kwite. He started the Imperial City Church, which has locations in both Nairobi, Kenya, and Malaysia. Sovi told Makhadzi, an artist from South Africa, what he would do. He said he saw an attack and the wrong people around her who just want to take advantage of her and make things worse. Sovi said, “I saw an attack, and I saw it clearly. The name of the person who did it was Makhadzi or something like that.”

The video was shared on TikTok more than once. People think that the prophet is using Makhadzi’s name to get more attention. People think he is pretending not to know Makhadzi, especially when he said the name was Makhadzi or something. We don’t know who to believe anymore because there are so many fake prophets all over the world. It’s a shame, because if we don’t know who to believe, we might even turn away from the real prophets of God. Makhadzi’s fans should just pray for him to be on the safe side. Click on any of the links below to see the whole video.