Lehasa Is In Trouble As Fannie’s Spirit Start To Hurt Him In #SkeemSaam

Lehasa is in trouble as Fannie’s Spirit start to hurt him in SkeemSaam. Lehasa and his uncle Phomolo went to see Sangoma who revealed that there is a Spirit of someone he killed that is going to hurt him for the rest of his life. The sangoma have told them that they have too many blood in their hands and there is a dark cloud hanging around their home.




Apparently Lehasa is going to lose many things before his life gets back to normal. The sangoma have already them that things are not looking good him. The sangoma have told him that for him to have peace he have to give back everything he stole from people.

Well apparently viewers does not feel sorry for Lehasa as he deserves whatever that’s coming for him. The death of Fannie is going to put him in trouble and h might not recover from this. The sangoma has warned Lehasa about the death that is coming. Mzansi cannot help but to think about the Baby or Khwezi.

The sangoma have told him to Fixing The mistakes of his past which means giving Sonti back her business. The sangoma have also speaks about the short man. The short old man he’s referring to must be the man they stole baby formula from before coming here and changing their surnames to Maphosa? That milk story or something along those lines.

What do you think of today’s episode. Do you think Lehasa will go to jail. What do you will happen to his businesses.

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