Lehasa finally pays lobola for his murderous lady.

Pretty has finds herself alone in a hotel room after Lehasa kicked her out of the house. Petty is soon going to be homeless and only option she have is to go back home and apologize to her mother. What Pretty did has destroyed her trust, she’s out of Lehasa’s good books meaning relationship is over.






Lehasa have booked Pretty a hotel room because his family is coming to discuss the lobola negotiations of Khwezi. Viewers of SkeemSaam think that Petty should use this time for self introspection if this is kind of life she wants to live, where will she go nextime when he throw her out since she chose this man over her family.

#SkeemSaam were disappointed for Lehasa not standing up for Pretty after his uncle was judging her meanwhile they going to introduce a baby with a fake surname. By seeing of thing’s Lehasa he is ashamed of Pretty why when his uncle’s are coming he want to book a hotel for Pretty who does that. Mzansi Is convinced that Khwezi is going to blackmail Lehasa, he’s going to pay lobola for her.

Viewers were hoping that Lehasa and Pretty would finally have their happy ever after. As much as Pretty and Lehasa make a great couple they are not complimenting each other. Lehasa is cold hearted, only Khwezi can handle him.

Pretty will never have a peace in her life plus her own family disown her. She should that relationship is very toxic. MaNtuli is finally able to speak about Pretty without insults. MaNtuli must swallow her pride and forgive her daughter, same as Pretty must apologize and beg her mom unlike living this life.